Sunday, March 6, 2016

Police officer sacked for using number plate camera to film women

Police officer sacked for using number plate camera to film woman's cleavage Sacked: PC David Smith lost his job (Picture: Ross Parry)

A police officer has lost his job after using a force camera to zoom in on a woman's cleavage.

Married PC David Smith used the automatic number plate recognition camera to look at the woman as she sat in beer garden.

He initially blamed a colleague of using the camera to 'zoom in to get closer footage' of the woman in October 2011.

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Smith, who had been an officer for 19 years, was accused of five allegations of misconduct and, despite denying the charges, a panel concluded they had been proven after a two-day hearing at a police station in Hull, East Yorkshire.

He said: 'I have got a clean record for working with vulnerable victims and I would not abuse that position.'

He claimed his colleague had taken the pictures because he was a 'flash clown' and 'enjoyed a bit of a laugh'.

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PC Smith denied taking the footage for personal use, stating he was trying to get reception on his phone and did not know the camera was recording.

When asked if he found the woman in the video footage attractive, PC Smith replied: 'She's not ugly.'

PC Smith claimed he had 'accidentally' transferred the images to his computer when he was doing a 'bulk download' of pictures from his Blackberry mobile phone to his home console.

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He said: 'If you look at my service for the last 19 years and the positions I have held, you do not get these positions without having a good name. This was an isolated thing.'

Over his long-serving career, PC Smith was twice commended after rescuing a woman who was held at gunpoint in a taxi.

However, during the hearing, he was accused of falling 'so far below the professional standards' that he was dismissed without notice.

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PC Smith said he had taken pictures of the vehicles for future intelligence.

The hearing also heard how the officer downloaded movie clips from an onboard police vehicle camera and a photograph of a bus parked in the street with no insurance, both without a 'policing purpose'.

He admitted taking the footage, but said it was for work purposes.

PC Smith told the hearing: 'In hindsight it was wrong, but at the time I didn't see the potential harm because other traffic officers knew I did presentations on road safety to outside agencies. I didn't think there would be a problem.'

Chairing the panel, South Yorkshire Assistant Chief Constable Ingrid Lee said PC Smith's actions were an 'intrusion of privacy' and showed a 'complete disregard for data protection and police responsibilities'.

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    Source: Police officer sacked for using number plate camera to film women

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